Super Windows 7 LiteOS Pro V2018.09 by GuayaTown [Español, English, Italiano, Portugues ]

Windows 7 LiteOS Pro V2018.09 by GuayaTown
[@GuayaTown @TutosElSalvador] 
Temas- Themes

Este es un OS MiniOS creado para dar mejor Rendimiento y Estabilidad. 
Sin importar que sea una computadora moderna o vieja.

This is an OS MiniOS created to give better Performance and Stability. 
Regardless of whether it is a modern or old computer.

Este é um OS MiniOS criado para oferecer melhor desempenho e estabilidade. 
Independentemente de se tratar de um computador moderno ou antigo.

Questo è un OS MiniOS creato per offrire prestazioni e stabilità migliori. 
Indipendentemente dal fatto che si tratti di un computer moderno o vecchio.
@WindowsLiteOS #WindowsLiteOS
@ProyectoLiteOS #ProyectoLiteOS
@ProyectoWindowsLiteOS #ProyectoWindowsLiteOS

Windows LiteOS
Todas las versiones incluyen. All versions include. 
Tutte le versioni includono. Todas as versões incluem
1. Auto Activacion Permanente
2. Direcx 9
3. NetFramework 4.0
4. NetFramework 4.7.2
5. Microsoft Visual C++[vc_redist]


Version MUI{Multi-Lenguaje, Multilíngüe, Multilingua, multilanguage}
Esta versión incluye. This version includes. Esta versão inclui. Questa versione include.
[Español, English, Italiano, Portugues ] Todo en Uno. All In One
Iso: 3.40G  .rar: 3.38G  X86 bits, x64 bits 
Version solo en Español
Iso:2.74GB   X86 bits, x64 bits 
Version: only in English 
[Iso: 3.17G] [32&64 bits] [English] [USB 3.0 Driver for installation]

Algunos archivos o procesos eliminados o desactivados.
Alguns arquivos ou processos removidos ou desativados.
Alcuni file o processi rimossi o disabilitati.
Some files or processes removed or disabled.
Fax and Scan Services
Remote Access Connection
Tagged Image File Format IFilter (TIFF iFilter)
windows Media Center
Windows Sidebar
Windows Tablet Pc
Xps Viewer and Printer
Anytime Upgrade
Caracter Map
Disk Image burning tool
Help and Support
Input method editor
screen Magnificer
Snipping tool
Sticky Notes
Tablet Pc Journal
Tablet Pc math Input panel
Tablet Pc Text prediction
Windows Easy Transfer
Windows mail
Windows Contact
Action Center
Action Centre Files
Diagnostics troubleshooting
Ease Access
Ease Access Files
Getting Started Files
Pen And Touch
Secure Startup
Speech Recognition
Sync Center Folder 
Sync Center Folder Files
Windows CardSpace
Taskbar Notification
Remote Desktop Connection
Default Icon Hide
Recorded TV
Disable Get Windows 10
Remove Language bar
Disable Notification
Fax Service
Bitlocker Drive Encryption
Windows Error Reporting Service
Servicio biométrico de Windows 
Smart Card Removal Policy
Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
Windows Media Center Receiver Service
Servicio biométrico de Windows (WbioSrvc)
Tarjeta inteligente (SCardSvr):
Parental Controls (WPCSvc)
Cliente de seguimiento de vínculos distribuidos (TrkWks)

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